VvyLw's Library

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:warning: Java/library/ds/AVLTree.java

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package library.ds;

import java.util.stream.IntStream;

 * AVL木
 * TreeSetだが、O(log n)で任意のインデックスの要素にアクセスできる
 * @param <T>
public final class AVLTree<T extends Comparable<? super T>> {
	static final class Node<T extends Comparable<? super T>> {
		T val;
		Node<T>[] ch = new Node[2];
		int dep, size;
		Node(final T val, Node<T> l, Node<T> r) {
			this.val = val;
			dep = size = 1;
			ch[0] = l;
			ch[1] = r;
	private Node<T> root;
	private final int depth(final Node<T> t){ return t == null ? 0 : t.dep; }
	private final int count(final Node<T> t){ return t == null ? 0 : t.size; }
	private final Node<T> update(final Node<T> t) {
		t.dep = Math.max(depth(t.ch[0]), depth(t.ch[1])) + 1;
		t.size = count(t.ch[0]) + count(t.ch[1]) + 1;
		return t;
	private final Node<T> rotate(Node<T> t, final int b) {
		Node<T> s = t.ch[1 - b];
		t.ch[1 - b] = s.ch[b];
		s.ch[b] = t;
		t = update(t);
		s = update(s);
		return s;
	private final Node<T> fetch(Node<T> t) {
		if(t == null) {
			return t;
		if(depth(t.ch[0]) - depth(t.ch[1]) == 2) {
			if(depth(t.ch[0].ch[1]) > depth(t.ch[0].ch[0])) {
				t.ch[0] = rotate(t.ch[0], 0);
			t = rotate(t, 1);
		else if(depth(t.ch[0]) - depth(t.ch[1]) == -2) {
			if (depth(t.ch[1].ch[0]) > depth(t.ch[1].ch[1])) {
				t.ch[1] = rotate(t.ch[1], 1);
			t = rotate(t, 0);
		return t;
	private final Node<T> insert(final Node<T> t, final int k, final T v) {
		if(t == null) {
			return new Node<T>(v, null, null);
		final int c = count(t.ch[0]), b = (k > c) ? 1 : 0;
		t.ch[b] = insert(t.ch[b], k - (b == 1 ? (c + 1) : 0), v);
		return fetch(t);
	private final Node<T> erase(final Node<T> t) {
		if(t == null || t.ch[0] == null && t.ch[1] == null) {
			return null;
		if(t.ch[0] == null || t.ch[1] == null) {
			return t.ch[t.ch[0] == null ? 1 : 0];
		return fetch(update(new Node<T>(find(t.ch[1], 0).val, t.ch[0], erase(t.ch[1], 0))));
	private final Node<T> erase(Node<T> t, final int k) {
		if(t == null) {
			return null;
		final int c = count(t.ch[0]);
		if(k < c) {
			t.ch[0] = erase(t.ch[0], k);
			t = update(t);
		else if(k > c) {
			t.ch[1] = erase(t.ch[1], k - (c + 1));
			t = update(t);
		else {
			t = erase(t);
		return fetch(t);
	private final Node<T> find(final Node<T> t, final int k) {
		if(t == null) {
			return t;
		final int c = count(t.ch[0]);
		return k < c ? find(t.ch[0], k) : k == c ? t : find(t.ch[1], k - (c + 1));
	private final int cnt(final Node<T> t, final T v) {
		if(t == null) {
			return 0;
		if(t.val.compareTo(v) < 0) {
			return count(t.ch[0]) + 1 + cnt(t.ch[1], v);
		if(t.val.equals(v)) {
			return count(t.ch[0]);
		return cnt(t.ch[0], v);
	 * コンストラクタ
	public AVLTree(){ root = null; }
	 * 要素を追加する
	 * @param val
	public final void add(final T val){ root = insert(root, cnt(root, val), val); }
	 * k番目の要素を削除する
	 * @param k
	public final void remove(final int k){ root = erase(root, k); }
	 * AVLTree[k]を返す
	 * @param k
	 * @return k番目の要素
	public final T get(final int k){ return find(root, k).val; }
	 * AVLTreeに含むvalの個数を返す
	 * @param val
	 * @return valの個数
	public final int count(final T val){ return cnt(root, val); }
	 * AVL木の大きさを返す
	 * @return AVL木のサイズ
	public final int size(){ return root.size; }
	 * AVLTreeを配列に変換したものを返す
	 * @return AVLTreeの配列
	public final T[] toArray(){ return (T[]) IntStream.range(0, root.size).mapToObj(this::get).toArray(); }
	public final String toString() {
		final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
		for(int i = 0; ++i < root.size;) {
			sb.append(", " + get(i));
		return "[" + sb.toString() + "]";
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/onlinejudge_verify/documentation/build.py", line 71, in _render_source_code_stat
    bundled_code = language.bundle(stat.path, basedir=basedir, options={'include_paths': [basedir]}).decode()
  File "/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/onlinejudge_verify/languages/user_defined.py", line 68, in bundle
    raise RuntimeError('bundler is not specified: {}'.format(str(path)))
RuntimeError: bundler is not specified: Java/library/ds/AVLTree.java
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